video coming soon
The idea for Hugo came from a desire to cover synth sounds in a live band setting without having tracks or a keys player. Designed to be used with an external synth.
The set up is really simple: two sequencers playing unique melodies, clocked together by a single LFO. Each sequencer is playing in sync with each other at all times. The left stomp switch toggles between the two sequencers (or melodies), indicated by the yellow column of pixels. The right stomp switch engages (or disengages) the selected sequence. Hugo even has a little bit of delay and reverb built in to add a touch of dimension, if desired. Glowing orange pixels on the home page indicate if Hugo is receiving audio.
You have to manually set the master LFO rate (most likely at double or triple time) and the delay’s delay time *independently*. Hugo includes “nudge” controls (green buttons at the bottom of the center column) on the home page to slightly speed up or slow down the rate of the sequencers. This allows you to line up the sequencer if engaged slightly off beat. However, the right stomp switch is connected to the sequencer queue start and the LFO phase reset. So, by stomping on the right stomp switch, a new “beat 1” is set and the sequencers will always start at the first step. If using in a live scenario, rest assured Hugo will always start on YOUR downbeat.
*home page fx controls*
There are two blue buttons on the home page that control delay and reverb “bypass”. Below those buttons are independent delay and reverb mix controls.
*nudge control*
Inspired by DJ beat matching, the two green pixels at the bottom of the center column provide a way to “nudge” the sequencers to grid. The left button slows the LFO, while the right button speeds up the LFO. Slowing or speeding up will occur for as long as the button is held down. For slight timing corrections, quickly tapping would be the best method. Hold down either button for a dramatic change in tempo. As soon as the buttons are released the LFO will snap back to the original rate set.
Far left and right columns of yellow pixels indicate which sequencer is sending to your synth. Glowing orange columns indicates that HUGO is seeing an audio signal. FX controls, LFO/tempo control, and nudge controls.
*seq 1*
This is the first sequencer, represented by the left most column of yellow pixels on the home page. Program your first melody or loop here.
*seq 2*
This is the second sequencer, represented by the right most column of yellow pixels on the home page. Program you second melody or loop here.
Signal chain is in stereo. Adjust the delay and reverb settings here.
This is the backend for the stompswitch and sequencer controls.
This is the backend for the nudge controls on the home page.
This is the backend for the bypass controls on the home page. (Really just a comparator and cv invert to get the blue buttons to reflect their bypassed and engaged state in a way that made sense.)
Hope you enjoy!