Horror And Drone Synth

A horror and drone synth. To control the synth you have five voltage controls. Four of the voltage faders control the sound mods. One voltage fader control the sound library or waveform (macro OSC).
You have 3 main global filters and 3 resonance filters.
You have one filter for crackles sound effect. The rest of the synth effects are setup by crazy voltage by ‘sloth’ module which is one of these three is control the
meta modulator, Dust (crackles effect) and the last sloth (module) is for macro OSC (sound library for the synth) On a photo you can see more info.
One advice please be careful when you are play with five voltage controls (TACT-1) because they are very sensitive. I recommend watch first the video how I playthrough with a synth. And because I good guy I make a tutorial how I build this synth.
And last words enjoy!

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect Game Sampler Sound Synthesizer
  • Revision: 0.1
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 4 months ago
  • Views: 413
    Likes: 5
    Downloads: 180