
This is my entry for the VCP-22 challenge.
There’s a lot of things that I could do better, and the audio recording is not so good…. but ok enough… not enough time.
It’s also a creative patch to discover Nysthi’s BOH!NGER.
What is not mensioned in the explanations in the video, is that all that is generated by the Quad Simpler (four samples in one module by Nysthi) is recorded and looped wyth LUPOLO. record and play buttons are triggered by a clock.
Thanks to Ben de Groot and Omri cohen for their work serving the VCV RACK community.

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    324 PM
  • Platform:
  • Category: Composition Sampler
  • Revision: 1.0
  • Modified: 6 years ago
  • Views: 76
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    Downloads: 81