An emulation of Buchla and Verbos Harmonic Oscillator with the scan function. 8 oscillators tuned to the harmonic series. Simple patch that you can improve or make more complex.
Thanks for sharing the patch.
1- I open it and nothing sounds, in which module should I assign the output of my card to make it sound?
2- The frequencies are the harmonic series of C4 (261.63), So why do you set the base pitch to D2 (73.4) instead of C4 (261.63)?
Dbiz also has a module that I believe is a fairly faithful version of the Verbos hardware
Thanks for sharing the patch.
1- I open it and nothing sounds, in which module should I assign the output of my card to make it sound?
2- The frequencies are the harmonic series of C4 (261.63), So why do you set the base pitch to D2 (73.4) instead of C4 (261.63)?
I managed to make it sound by adding an Audio 8 and connecting the Mixmaster outputs to the Audio 8 inputs.
2- The frequencies are the harmonic series of C4 (261.63), So why do you set the base pitch to D2 (73.4) instead of C4 (261.63)?