Generative Ambient Vocal Drones with Mellifluous Tones and Claves

Generative in that you press a button to start the process of synthesizing sounds, a process that could go on forever . . .

Ambient in that you meld with the music into the background . . .

2 comments on “Generative Ambient Vocal Drones with Mellifluous Tones and Claves
  • fliil iim on said:

    Beautiful Robin, how do you activate the sound? I also like to use with my sequencer and enjoy the flight :)

  • Robin Nicklas on said:

    I am glad you enjoyed the snippet. The patch can run for hours . . .

    The envelopes for all voices are triggered randomly. Each voice has an LFO clock. When it triggers an envelope, it also triggers a sample & hold which randomly sets the delay time for the next trigger (by controlling the frequency of the LFO (v/oct)).

    The Flow buttons simply allow the triggers to pass through (the voice starts playing) or not (the voice stops; no further envelopes are triggered).

    Not only is the timing of events aleatoric, but the selection of pitches from the sets of pitches allowed by the quantizers is random.

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    • Platform:
    • Category: Composition
    • Revision: 1.0
    • License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
    • Modified: 4 years ago
    • Views: 120
      Likes: 6
      Downloads: 159