
0.3 Envelope for Index-2 works now (again?). Added chorus, got rid of annoying high sound in reverb. Midi CC’s have been updated accordingly. Sorry about the hiccups, this one is capable of very cool sounds so I hope you’ll all download again and give it another try!

A four-voice FM (technically PM) synth with two modulators, each tuned to a whole number multiple of whatever note is currently being played, and with independent AD envelopes for the index of each modulator.

The goal here was to get those clicky percussive onsets that FM does so well, and this can achieve that, but is also good for glassy drone territory. Noise can be added to the modulators – at low levels, this just gives a pinch of wobble as the modulators veer in and out of harmonicity with the fundamental, at higher levels the sound will be fairly trashed and yet hold surprisingly close to the intended pitch. Chorus, flange, reverb, and multiple tunings are in the mix as well. Unfortunately, four voices is the maximum the organelle can support without getting into multi-core processing, but this is enough to have fun. Midi CCs are included, and the preset system should actually work now!

This uses standard C+G page navigation – press the aux key plus the black keys to move around the patch and use the built in sequencer.

Page 1: Carrier and Modulator settings
Knob 1: Carrier harmonic
Knob 2: Modulator-1 harmonic
Knob 3: Modulator-2 harmonic
Knob 4: Amount of noise to add to mods

Page 2: Index Settings
Knob 1: Index 1 amount (frequency deviation for modulator 1)
Knob 2: Index 2 amount (frequency deviation for modulator 2)
Knob 3: envelope shape for index 1 (relative to rise-fall times, set on page 3; close to zero = short attack/decay, 0.5 attack/decay equal to rise/fall time, close to 1 = attack equal to rise, short fall)
Knob 4: envelope shape for index 2

Page 3: Amp/FX
Knob 1: Attack time for envelopes
Knob 2: Decay time for envelopes
Knob 3:
Knob 4:

Page 4: FX
Knob 1: Chorus Mix
Knob 2: Flanger Mix
Knob 3: Reverb Send
Knob 4: Reverb Decay

Page 5: Tunings

Page 6: Presets
If this seems like it isn’t working, try refreshing knob 1 (save/load) and knob 2 (preset number) before initializing with knob 3. I have ‘pre-saved’ settings on most of the slots, but of course copy over those as desired.

Midi CCs:
30: Carrier
31: Mod-1
32: Mod-2
33: Noise
34: Index-1
35: Index-2
36: Index-1 Envelope
37: Index-2 Envelope
38: Rise
39: Fall
42: Chorus Mix
43: Flanger Mix
44: Reverb Send
45: Reverb FB

Acknowledgements: Wakefield & Taylor’s Generating Sound and Organizing Time for a lot of ideas regarding FM/PM synthesis, @samesimilar for the flanger and gen~ external wrapper, @baptiste for page/preset architecture, and probably a lot of other people I’m forgetting!

0.2: Preset saving ACTUALLY actually works (was sending command to wrong place).

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Synthesizer
  • Revision: 0.3
  • License: MIT License
  • Modified: 2 months ago
  • Views: 389
    Likes: 0
    Downloads: 94