FM Dialogue One

This Patcher is monophonic FM-Synth with Sequencers for Pitch and Velocity + Randomization Functions and Delay. For the Design of the Synth and Sequencers inspiration was taken from the Korg Monologue and TD-3/303. Set Tempo, Direction and Step Length of the Sequences (1-8 Steps) and press Start.
The Multislider Sequencers allow quick access to Pitch and Velocity Values. Make sure to set Velocity values for sound. A running sequence can then be changed in different ways:
– Direction: Change the playback direction of the sequence between “Forward”, “Backward” and “ForBack”.
– Scramble: The Scramble Buttons take the existing Pitch or Velocity Values, Big Scramble scrambles both.
– Pitch Range: Set the lowest and highest note. The Range setting allows you to keep the overall “architecture” of a sequence while progressing melodically.
The Oscillator Section consists of two parts:
– Matrix: Choose or mix Square, Sine and Saw Wave. Make sure to open at least one Gain Knob. The Detune changes the Pitch of the whole Waveform.
– FM: Simple FM with Sine Wave as Modulator. FM Routing can’t be changed.
You can choose between four Filter Types (Low Pass, High Pass, Bandpass, Notch) and combine them. Amp and Filter Envelopes can be tweaked independently, both are set to the Length of a 16th Note of your respective Tempo. Tweak “Amount” for the Filter Envelope to start working, you can adjust it negatively and positively.

The Record Section gives you a quick recording option.

The delay effect is 3 separate “micro” delay loops, each with their own envelope.
The individual envelope shape, duration, and feedback of each delay can be set and controlled.
The audio is run through an Envelope Controller, which is read by each of the delay functions, this adds a little bit more control to the volume and transient qualities of the delays. Running, and allows high detailed control of the envelope of the delay, to Sample length.
The attack should generally be [0<x1000ms, this is more interesting. However, the rest of the envelope parameter controls seem to have little effect on the result.
The envelope shape and duration can be easily controlled using the Function object and the Number object directly underneath it.
feedback of each delay is also able to be control [0<x<99%]
There is a Dry/Wet dial.

Have Fun!
Boris, Tobi

Most concrete Patching ideas as well as general concepts come directly from our amazing Max Teacher Tamas Marquetant. Thanks a lot!
Other resources used:
– Oliver Thurley:
– Learning Max:

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect Sequencer Synthesizer
  • Revision: 0.1
  • License: The Unlicense
  • Modified: 2 weeks ago
  • Views: 49
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    Downloads: 15