This is the first video in a series where I present my favourite modules. We’ll start with oscillators, which are the main sound generating components of synthesisers. After a general overview of how oscillators work we look at:
– the evenVCO by Befaco,
– Basal from Vult,
– Saws by Squinky Labs,
– the E340 Cloud Generator designed by E-Series
– and the Sine VCO from Surge XT.
If you’re new to VCV Rack check out my 90-minute beginner tutorial:
List of Modules Used:
Befaco: evenVCO, Dual Atenuverter
E-Series: E340 Cloud Generator
MindMeld: MixMasterJr, AuxSpanderJr, BassMaster
Squinky Labs: Saws
Surge XT: Sine VCO
Valley: Plateau
VCV: VCO, Audio 8, Rec, Scope, LFO
Vult: Basal
Enjoy! 🙂