Dynamic voice spreader

This tool will scan for all voices that are not in use and reroute them to the lowest voice that’s currently playing.

An example for how it can be helpful:
If you have a patch where each voice uses a different type of sound, you would not necessarily want the overall sound to change when you only play a single note. Without this patch, playing a single note will only trigger the sound that this voice is routed to produce. With this patch, you can play a chord and have each note be played by a different sound source, but also just play a single note and have all voices play that note at once. This means that there is no interruption in the quality of your sound, regardless of how many voices are playing.

It’s packed into an instrument rack, where the last module is a layer module with four voice selectors ready to be hooked up to an oscillator, or whatever.

This is just a four voice patch because the math gets pretty lengthy for each new voice, but if you want to add more voices, let me know and I will explain the logic behind the whole thing.

Anyways, have fun!

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Utility
  • Revision: 0.1
  • License: Custom License
    Just gogogo
  • Modified: 4 months ago
  • Views: 208
    Likes: 2
    Downloads: 7