Drone Synthesizer

Hello I was unactive for a bit but I back with new drone synth.
Dark beautiful drone synth with modular modules.
Fully functional with MIDI keyboards and other MIDI devices.
Please read the info attached when you open the synth inside have ‘Read Me’ text file to get more info how is work this synth. To turn on the synth just press the red button, red button module located on right to MIDI setup modules. The synth in idle process make a feedback noise and sometimes is annoying. Red color button the synth is off. Grey color button the synth is on.

preset (update 0.3) https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w257-ogQJ_Sug7nviCB-OOwDRZBNLvzy/view?usp=sharing

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef_Qu2uJ6kk – tutorial how to create a drone, presets, assign MIDI keyboard

After I patch up this drone synth was version 1.0 and do not support MIDI keyboards. However a week after I continue to work over the synth to improve it. The patch file is setup to my MIDI keyboard I sure you must do new setup for your MIDI keyboard. Assign the controls from – Cardinal Host MIDI CC and Cardinal Host MIDI CC Map – modules.

Note: version 1.0 (first version) on synth do not have this sound power, but with new improved wiring on version 2.0 the sound on synth can smash your speakers or your headphones. The synth in general have own authentic sound and huge sound power and that was my purpose this synth to sound like real physical synth. I very proud with this synth sometimes in my sound mix I need specific effect scary or drone sound and with easy this synth will give me that.

You want drone, scary or pad sound effect the synth can deliver that with easy mind this for pad the synth setting are a bit different from the drone. For drone use MIDI keyboard keys E2, D2 or F2. Drone music is based on low and middle frequencies. My MIDI keyboard have option Hold. so my hands are free to modulate the sound how I want. Synth gem every producer must have.

You can create synth preset list choose setup on OSC 1 and OSC 2 right click -> preset -> Save as -> choose a folder where they to be stored the only problem is not keep the waveform this preset is created. What I do and here is the example: Hell Choir OSC1 – 5g or 3r that is mean when I create this preset was on 5 green light or 3 red (waveform) on OSC 1 (from top to bottom for me) and that way I will know on which waveform I must change to get the sound as original stored preset. Is very easy and simple to use and here is example:
— Hell Choir OSC1 5g.vcvm — so that is preset for OSC 1 to get the sound I create this preset. If someone want can support me via paypal.
Added Update – Launch button ON/OFF can be control by MIDI keyboards and devices.

Modules List:

1 – two main oscillators modules
2 – one grain and texture synth module
3 – two filters modules (to control both oscillators)
4 – one main frequency filter module (apply to main sound)
5 – two reverbs modules (for ambient atmosphere)
6 – one VCA module for turn on/off both grain modules
7 – one module for turn on/off the synth
8 – one mixer module
9 – one sound module
10 – two AMP modules to boost main sound
11 – two visual EQ modules
12 – one Dust module (grain effect)
13 – one Crackle module (grain effect)
12 – three modules for MIDI setup like knobs, faders, controls and etc.

To be honest I drone synth maniac guy, I love them.
Thank you !!!

——- Krasi ——-

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    103 PM
  • Platform:
  • Category: Synthesizer
  • Revision: 3.5
  • License: Artistic license 2.0
  • Modified: 1 week ago
  • Views: 565
    Likes: 3
    Downloads: 94