Insert Mode Program. Parallel Routing (default). Far too homogenized in the optional Series Routing. Program MIX 40-45% (via EXP1). MicroPitch alongside Undulator, with stereo use in mind.
Base Program: Doubled up-doubling – toned down to a subtle ambience – using a combination of delays, multitaps, detuning & tremolo.
* EXP1 controls Program Mix with MicroPitch Mod Source, Depth & Sens/Rate + Undulator Speed, Spread and Mod Rate.
* EXP2 controls MicroPitch Delay A & B + Feedback with Undulator Feedback & Manual Mod.
* Both expression pedals are saved at the full Heel position.
HotKnob mappings, for pitchshift depth, EQ and modulation adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Pitch A & B in MicroPitch with Shape & Mod Source in Undulator [default = 85]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust MicroPitch Tone [default = 60].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) change Undulator Depth, Depth Mod & Speed Mod [default = 20].
* MIDI CC# 4 Undulator Intensity
* MIDI CC# 7 MicroPitch Mix
* MIDI CC#10 MicroPitch Pitch Mix
Other options:
* FLEX doubling of pitch for MicroPitch.
* Brake / Speed for Undulator modulation.
* Program-wide TAP: 120 BPM
* HS2 – modulated infinite repeat effect.
* HS3 – pitch-bent extended delay panning.
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.