[Update? This Program sounds suspiciously similar (identical) to an upload of mine from a few months back (Ice Crystal Strum – Duet). I have plagiarized myself with poor file management. Forgive the duplication. – Tom]
Insert Mode Program. Parallel Routing (default). All effects are lengthened, slowed and exaggerated in optional Series Routing. Program MIX 50%. Polyphony alongside Polyphony, with stereo use in mind.
The base Program starts off with leisurely trails hopping through pitch-shifted delays. Beyond that, it’s all about the interactive blending of FREEZE with performance. Separate effects allow one set of delays/intervals to be sustained, while the other set is still actively processing. Latching micro-loops can be paired with either the momentary or latched frozen notes. Cross-mix prominence of each delay pair with HotKnobs.
EXP1 controls Shift 1 & 2, Detune A & B plus Feedback Sw in both Polyphony instances. This is your ‘safety line’, gliding all intervals down to a unison delay pattern.
EXP2 is mapped to the [P] HotKnob parameters below, plus Pan A & B in both Polyphony instances, for another variable dose of frozen loops. Both expression pedals are saved at the full Heel position.
HotKnob mappings, for making parameter adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) change Polyphony-1 & -2 Feedback A & B [default = 35 OR EXP2]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Polyphony-1 Level A & B [default = 80].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Polyphony-2 Level A & B [default = 90].
* MIDI CC# 8 Polyphony-1 Mix
* MIDI CC#16 Polyphony-1 Delay A
* MIDI CC#17 Polyphony-1 Delay B
* MIDI CC#18 Polyphony-2 Delay A
* MIDI CC#19 Polyphony-2 Delay B
* MIDI CC#40 Polyphony-2 Mix
* MIDI CC#81 Polyphony-1 & -2 Inst Type
Other options:
* momentary or latching FREEZE Polyphony-1
* momentary or latching FREEZE Polyphony-2
* HS1 – Polyphony 1 & 2 Feedback = 100 + Inst Type
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.