Creature After Nightfall

Insert Mode Program. Series Routing (default). Gains & losses using optional Parallel Routing. Program MIX 50%. Aggravate into DynaVerb, with stereo use in mind. Nothing subtle here, the exception being your instrument volume dialed back to barely audible.

Otherwise, compressed, twisting metal distortion, swept by a very resonant filter envelope, then fed into more ‘infinite’ compression. Foot control over cutoff peak, mids boost & cut, resonance, bias, freeze & infinite buildup, compressor pumping, and an alternate delayed envelope entrance, allegedly without fuzz.

EXP1 controls Aggravate Mids & Filter Env. EXP2 is mapped to Aggravate Bias, Resonance, & Pump Depth, with DynaVerb Decay, from zero reverb -> gated -> infinite, and landing on frozen sustain (saved at Heel). Very long tails on string decay, shifting the emphasis along the spectrum of harmonics (with some pseudo-feedback).

HotKnob mappings, for making parameter adjustments:

* [P] HotKnob (+/-) change Aggravate Fuzz with DynaVerb Size & Omni Ratio [default = 82]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) change Aggravate Release time [default = 50].
* [B] HotKnob (CW) adjust DynaVerb Attack & Release [default = 0].

* MIDI CC# 2 Threshold
* MIDI CC# 8 Aggravate Mix
* MIDI CC#10 Sidechain
* MIDI CC#40 DynaVerb Mix
* MIDI CC#72 Env Release
* MIDI CC#74 Tone + Low Level & High Level
* MIDI CC#80 Env Shape
* MIDI CC#81 Octave
* MIDI CC#82 Pump Control

Other options:
* HS1 switches Octave, Env Shape. Enables adjacent PUMP switch with Pump Control.
* Manual PUMP momentary switch. Slow Gear Kill Switch FX.
* HS2 (M) triggers momentary INFINITE buildup in DynaVerb.
* HS3 for alternate filter sweeps, and a more subdued distortion (momentary or latching).

See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.

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    1953 PM
  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect Other Sound
  • Revision: NSFW-OR-BASEMENT
  • License: Artistic license 2.0
  • Modified: 8 months ago
  • Views: 205
    Likes: 1
    Downloads: 55