
Synchronise your AUv3 host to clicks / sync pulses from your Eurorack, Korg Volca, PO or whatever click source.
v0.2 adds two divider stages for compatibility with other clock frequencies like 2,12,24 or 48 PPQN.
Pulses are recorded through an audio input. You might have to add an attenuator to avoid frying your audio interface with the clock pulses from your hardware. I take no responsibility for any damage!
Output is a MIDI note that can be mapped to the tap tempo function of some AUv3 hosts. Tested with Loopy Pro (works best) and AUM.
The project contains an additional Rack called “Volca Clicker” that generates Korg Volca sync pulses from an originally sampled Volca click. I made it for testing and dry runs without hardware. You can add noise or interference to the signal and see if the tempo keeps stable. Opening the blue “Volca Clicker” channel on the mixer will pass the incoming audio through.
A Loopy Pro project can be found here:

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    277 PM
  • State: Work In Progress
  • Platform:
  • Category: Utility
  • Revision: 0.2
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 11 months ago
  • Views: 329
    Likes: 0
    Downloads: 13