Chord Scale Quantize

Notes sustained on a control channel set a scale filter. All other notes are quantized to the scale filter. For instance, play a C-E-G chord and any notes played will be forced to C, E, or G. If no notes are sustained on the control channel, all notes are blocked unless PassThru or Auto is set. Quantize looks for the nearest note match in semitones. In case of a tie the quantization is upward.

• CTRL Knob sets the channel on which quantizing notes arrive. Notes held down in this channel build the scale filter.
• Quantize: Force notes to the filter. If the filter is empty, notes are blocked.
• Auto: Quantize notes to the filter. If the filter is empty then pass notes through un-quantized.
• PassThru: Ignore the filer. Pass through all notes un-quantized
• Latch OFF: Only held notes activate the filter.
• Latch ON: Keep adding notes until Latch OFF is set.
• NOTE: Moving from Latch ON to Latch OFF clears the filter even if control notes are held down.
• Tap the SHIFT button to send a MIDI Panic on all channels (See NOTE)

NOTE: This script assumes proper Note-ON/OFF behavior of what is coming into it. There’s only basic stuck note prevention.
NOTE: Tapping pads does not set notes, only playing notes on the control channel does this. See Simple Scaler on PatchStorage for screen-interactive custom scales.

3 comments on “Chord Scale Quantize
  • plopseaw on said:

    Thanks for making this. So far after a few minutes testing it does everything I thought it would. Iam using scaler 2 for chords and Helium for the melody inside of Logic iPad and so far works perfectly. Really a great time saver , rather than having to edit Midi by hand for every chord change. No stuck notes so far, timing is perfectly on. I’ve been looking for this a long time, Many thanks again

  • wim-number37 on said:

    Great @plopseaw! Thanks for letting me know it works.

  • wim-number37 on said:

    V0.3 adds a Latch knob. While set to Latch, notes are added to the filter until latch changes to OFF at which points the filter is cleared.

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    • Platform:
    • Category: Utility
    • Revision: 0.3
    • License: The Unlicense
    • Modified: 2 months ago
    • Views: 766
      Likes: 12
      Downloads: 43