I edited a modified script of cc toggle.
It gives me synthax errors after I use it.
It actually works fine but sometimes it goes into “code” mode.
Any help would be appreciated.
Using it with Drambo
Pads 1-8 Send cc for channel mutes
9-16 Sends cc for channel selection
The following part of your script (version 1.0) isn‘t ok:
– the OnPadUp event is missing its @End
– the OnPadDown is missing an endif to close the if pad<= 15
I had to use …. instead of spaces otherwise PatchStorage kills the indentation.
….TrigState[LastPad] = not TrigState[LastPad]
….idx = LastPad * 2 + TrigState[LastPad]
….SendMIDICC OutCH[LastPad], OutCC[LastPad], CCVal[idx]
….TrigReset[LastPad] = 1
….Call @UpdateGUI
…. pad = LastPad
…. if pad = 8) and (pad <= 15)
…. …. …. for a = 8 to 15
…. …. …. …. LatchPad a, NO
…. …. …. endfor
…. …. …. LatchPad pad, YES
…. …. endif
Wooo and PatchStorage also killed the
…. if pad = 8) and (pad <= 16)
Probably thinking that the greater or less sign start some HTML code…
Even in my second comment, PatchStorage killed a whole line and some of the less-than and greater signs. Here a verbose version:
… if pad ‚less or equal‘ 15
… … if ( pad ‚greater or equal‘ 8 ) and ( pad ‚less or equal 16)
And its the first ‚if‘ that is missing its end – (the one line that got removed by PS ;-)
Great. Much appreciated sir!!!
Can I load the correct one with a Drambo template?
I added Aum template with the script after debugging. Check the info.