Insert Mode Program. Series Routing (default). Much more ethereal in optional Parallel Routing, if you’re a fan of shimmering clichés. Program MIX 50%. Ducked Delay into Shimmer, with stereo use in mind.
A very subtle background wash, at the base configuration. Clamped-down compression over delays gives way to slow blooming of pitched reflections.
EXP1 increases overall Decay & Pitch Decay in Shimmer, to push it far beyond the compression release time. For a more immediate effect, EXP2 controls Feedback A & B, Ratio, Threshold & Release in Ducked Delay, with Mid Decay & Delay in Shimmer. Both EXP pedals are saved at the full Heel position.
HotKnob mappings, for making parameter adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Ducked Delay Filter + Shimmer Low & High Decay [default = 50]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Delay A & B in Ducked Delay [default = 55].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Pitch A & B in Shimmer [default = 78].
* MIDI CC# 1 Size
* MIDI CC# 8 Ducked Delay Mix
* MIDI CC#10 Pitch Mix
* MIDI CC#40 Shimmer Mix
Other options:
* momentary or latching delay buffer REPEAT
* HS1 – fast release compression, feedback increase & frozen reverb.
* HS3 (M) – fast release compression, maximum feedback & frozen reverb, momentary or latching.
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.