Beyerdynamic DT770 (80 Ohms) correction

I found this one of my little helper tools worth posting because quite a few people are using these headphones now.
Enable “MID BOOST” to keep the original focus on mids.
Enable “BYPASS” to get the original, unprocessed sound.

This is a Processor Rack preset!
Load it, import it and save.

You can place this rack anywhere but I would recommend to put it as a last processing block on the master channel, like shown in the screenshot.

To use it in your DAW of choice, load Drambo as an AUFX and connect the rack’s input and output.

5 comments on “Beyerdynamic DT770 (80 Ohms) correction
  • hexcmd0 on said:

    Cool! I’m curious, how did you come up with the settings? I would like to make one for my headphones.

  • rs2000 on said:

    There’s a bunch if useful information available here:

    You’ll also find a lot of EQ profiles for many headphones models.

    BTW on iOS, my favorite music player is now Neutron player because it not only has a good fully parametric EQ to do such corrections but it also works with web radio streams.

  • hexcmd0 on said:

    Excellent, already building my own! Thank you

  • Blasted_pingin on said:

    Do you reckon it would work as well for the 250Ohms version with the same parameters?

  • Leave a Reply

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