13BASIC VCV major scale sequence

In the modular world a jump from a note to its equivalent an octave higher/lower equals a difference of 1V (one Volt).

For instance middle C (C4, 261.63Hz) equals 0V (no change happening to the frequency set with the large FREQ knob on the VCO) whilst C5 (523.26Hz) can be achieved by sending 1V into the V/OCT input of the VCO.

In western music, the octave is divided into 12 ‘semi-tones’.
This allows for musical scales to be played, e.g. major, minor and many others.

The ‘root’ of a scale is the note on which the scale begins. All the notes in between the root note and its octaves are achievable by sending equal fractions of 1/12 of 1V to the 1V/OCT input.

On the SEQ3 sequencer a major scale between C4 and C5 can therefore be played by only inputting the voltage values for the notes with the ‘x’.

C4 0V x
D 0.167V x
E 0.332V x
F 0.415V x
G 0.581V x
A 0.747V x
B 0.913V x
C5 1V x

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Sound Synthesizer
  • Revision: 1.0
  • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
  • Modified: 2 years ago
  • Views: 307
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    Downloads: 102