
~ 4 momentary ‘mod’ buttons offset all faders and knobs, available on every channel, giving a total of 64 extra CCs per channel! to use: hold ‘cycle’ and hold ch2-5 buttons at the same time.
~ corrected remapped note layout to start at 48 bottom left and count up from there
~ the ‘marker’ left and right arrow will offset notes by Bank (16 notes) so you can shift up and down to bank A, B, C & D in Koala (or other destination/melodic instrument)
~ Indication of current bank is above knobs, going down from Bank A will reach sequences using my koala mapping. The number in brackets indicates the first note on the bottom left R button.
~ While holding the toggle setup button (cycle), pressing the TOGGLE_SWITCH button (‘sets’ right arrow, 3 buttons to the right of ‘cycle’) will flip all toggle states currently shown (for quickly turning all toggles to momentary, useful for note states etc., respects global strip state)
~ GLOBAL setting now affects the entire strip, including its SMR buttons.
Please note, when remap mode is enabled (sending notes instead of CC) global state of the strip is ignored for the buttons and notes are sent on the currently selected midi channel.
Also note, ON/OFF status of the NOTE/CC for each channel is shared, so switching in and out of remap mode doesnt recall the actual note/cc state, but pressing the button in whatever state it is will send the ‘next state’. Trying to figure out a better solution and open to ideas!

~ GLOBAL channel is now 15 (Block 16 from AUM midi control to avoid midi learn clashes)
~ Match light is only sent once, if its in the wrong state
~ Midi select buttons send a CC on global channel for use with other purposes (CH1 = CC111, CH2 = CC112 etc.)

1.3 :
~ Value match is indicated on the surface using a light (cycle button on NK2) – thanks to Owen Rasmussen for the feature request/idea!

1.2 :
~ momentary buttons didnt work correctly in 1.1
~ pressing the ‘set’ button remaps SMR buttons from CC 11 to 34 to NOTE 48 to 71 for easier use with other scripts and plugins that default to 48 as first note (Koala Sampler, Skaka etc) Beware of stuck notes!

Created for NanoKontrol2, it should work with other controllers.
This is a banking script for midi controllers, giving you 15 banks (Combos of CC 0 to 4), plus a global bank (stays on controller when you shift banks). Easy Switch Control (CC 9)
Also gives you toggle/momentary control and light feedback for all buttons on all channels with state saving between channels. Easy Switch control (CC 5)

Watch the video on my youtube channel for full info, and make sure to grab my NK2 mapping script from for easy setup

11 comments on “BaNKsi
  • biggir on said:

    Super script !

    I’d like to use it like the elektron ‘save / reload pattern’ where at some point you memorize all the values and then restore them in the nano.
    there’s already a mozaic script, but I can’t get it to work (perhaps because I think banksi doesn’t accept cc’s as input feedback.)

    Is it possible to do this save/reload, not necessarily like in the other script with presets, just one would be great!

    I think this would be a great new feature to add to your already great script. Thx !


  • funksmaname on said:

    Hi Olivier, thanks for your feedback :)
    Once all set up, you can save your preset in AUM (the little folder icon at the top of mozaic bar) – you can load these presets via midi. The current state of everything should save with the project too, though i just realised that when you do it might think things that were in sync when you saved will still be in sync even though they may no longer be – I should flag everything is not matching when the script is first loaded…

    I’m not familiar with the elektron – what ‘patterns’ are you trying to save and recall? what is your specific use case?

  • biggir on said:


    at some moment I want to memorize the values of different sliders, buttons. Put them aside and then be able to modify the sliders/buttons and come back to the memorized values.
    Very useful in a live situation, or in improvisation.

    In fact, it’s not the pattern I want to memorize, it’s the values of the different cc’s. It’s more like a snapshot :-)

    What the ‘controller-tracker-and-snapshots’ script does (but which I can’t get to work with banksi), but adapted to banksi to be standalone

    I hope that’s clearer for you :-)

    Thank :-)

  • funksmaname on said:

    I see, so you want the fader states to be sent out when you reload/recall a project?

    This is probably less useful on the nanokontrol right? since the knobs and faders are physical, but could be useful if used with other controllers I guess.

    I believe this can be added – I’ll have a think about it. It would need to be more elegant than just dumping EVERYTHING, coz that’s 15 channels of note and midi data and would probably cause problems… thanks for the suggestion. I see Wim (the author of ‘controller-tracker-and-snapshots’) on the AUM discord so I’ll talk to him if I need to.

  • biggir on said:

    not when you open the project, while you’re playing :-)
    Maybe not all channels at the same time, maybe the active one?
    thanks for your time :-)

  • biggir on said:

    just an example, I want to make a drop, I mute the kick, I change the repeat on the snare, I modify two sliders on turnado … to return to a normal state, I have to modify at least 4 buttons/sliders at the same time :-) with the recall snapshot, with a single button my saved snapshot allows me to return to a previous state :-)
    I hope to be clearer ;-)
    (PS : if I annoy you, don’t hesitate to tell me too :-) )

  • funksmaname on said:

    not annoying, this makes a lot more sense, thanks for the example – BUT – the faders and knobs after your drop are now in the wrong places right? but you want to be able to reset them to the stored value without it being audible… hmm, i’ll have a think how it might be possible.

    Maybe there’s a way I can store/recall snapshots, do you actually need multiple snapshots? or just a way to ‘pause saving the current state, and then recalling the previous state’ – like in your drop example, you’d only need one state…

  • biggir on said:

    “just a way to ‘pause saving the current state, and then recalling the previous state’ – like in your drop example, you’d only need one state… ” would already be great !!! :-)

  • funksmaname on said:

    interesting… so maybe a momentary button (or latch i guess) that pauses state saving, keeps a list of what you changed, then recalls the previous saved states when released only for that list of changed controls… sounds doable

  • biggir on said:


  • abelnation on said:

    This patch is amazing, and so so full of features!

    I would love to see an adapted version of this for the MPK Mini Plus. I think the main challenge is finding info RE their midi implementation in order to figure out how to adapt this script to send the right commands to the device…

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    • Platform:
    • Category: Utility
    • Revision: 1.5.1
    • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
    • Modified: 2 years ago
    • Views: 1569
      Likes: 13
      Downloads: 72