Astral Tape Dream

Astral Tape Dream enchants your sonic journey with 4-voice polyphonic ethereal plucked autoharp tones. Wandering through a cosmic tape echo signal path (mind you, it’s all in good fun, the cosmic tape echo is of course purely a delightful illusion!), the worn-out fake tape adds a hint of nostalgia, magically whisking the sound into a captivating realm filled with dancing harmonics and reverberations that feel like echoes from another dimension.

0.2 The delay time is now globally synchronized to the tempo, spanning from 1/2 dotted to 1/32 note length, abandoning the concept of free delay time.
Additionally, a wah-wah shift function has been incorporated. Samples get loaded into arrays during startup. Although this process has extended the boot time, it enhances stability. Last but not least a basic envelope has been added.

Tempo: Global Tempo (affects delay time too)
Knob 1: Delay time
Knob 2: Delay feedback
Knob 3: Warble (wow & flutter)
Shift + Knob3: Wah Wah
Credits go to Zoey Cairns for her fantastic sample pack. I’ve used lower resolution mp3s and re-converted them to wav files. If you like the samples, I’d recommend going all-in and buying the sample pack in all its high quality glory, it’s a steal:

The fake tape echo borrows heavily from Umberto Boldarin’s Tape Delay tutorial:

More credits go to luther_22 for his excellent Wow & Flutter Organelle patch, which I have slightly modified:

Wah Wah adapted from Pierre Massat’s Autowah:

3 comments on “Astral Tape Dream
  • j_p_z on said:

    Love it!

  • twang69 on said:

    *UPDATED* Samples get loaded into arrays now – this means increased boot time and less RAM but more stability. The delay syncs to global tempo now, sync range from 1/2 dotted to 1/32 notes. This means that the delay also synchronises to an external MIDI clock. An additional Wah Wah effect has been added and a simple envelope.

  • bleepbloop on said:

    This is great!

  • Leave a Reply

    • Platform:
    • Category: Other Synthesizer
    • Revision: 0.2
    • License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
    • Modified: 12 months ago
    • Views: 1419
      Likes: 15
      Downloads: 269