Allpass Backstage Access

Insert Mode Program. Series Routing, but layered nuance in optional Parallel Routing. Program MIX 40-50% (via EXP1). Ultratap into Instant Phaser; with stereo use in mind.

A couple of multi-taps, standing in as panning delays with tremolo. The deep stereo phasing that follows is broken up with envelope control, slow LFO(s) and the intermittent nature of the delay taps. Foot control over dual modulation, panning, delay spacings, re-sync’ing, and three multi-tap / phaser variations.

EXP1 sweeps Program Mix, with UltraTap Manual Chop, Speed & Width, plus LFO Rate, Width, & Manual in Instant Phaser. EXP2 is mapped to UltraTap Length, Taps & Pre Delay (saved at Heel).

Parameter adjustments, with HotKnob mappings:

* [P] HotKnob (+/-) adjust UltraTap Feedback + Inst. Phaser Feedback & Age [default = 5]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) change Slurm & Chop (type) in UltraTap [default = 15].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Source & Env Release in Instant Phaser [default = 55].

* MIDI CC# 8 UltraTap Mix + Instant Phaser Depth
* MIDI CC#12 Spread
* MIDI CC#13 Taper
* MIDI CC#74 Tone
* MIDI CC#79 Mode
* MIDI CC#80 Env Thresh

RETRIGGER both LFOs simultaneously to re-sync, or one for offset cycles & hard restarts.
* HS1 (M) – Fast LFO ‘vibrato’ FX.
* HS2 (M) – Densely packed multi-tap blooms.
* HS3 (M) – Industrial mechanical meltdown.

See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.

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    1953 PM
  • Platform:
  • Category: Effect Other Sound
  • Revision: 2-64 -> 6+4
  • License: Artistic license 2.0
  • Modified: 8 months ago
  • Views: 181
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    Downloads: 39