This is more an instructive than greatly useful preset that shows the Additive Pruning (pA Additive) function. Note this uses two Additive banks and may require reduction in Polyphony. One bank is used to play the first 12 partials and the other to play the full 96 partials that the Additive Pruning can support.
This will be even more useful when the ability to load your own Additive sets is supported.
Instructions: Not intended for Osmose. Bottom of Y lets you bring in up to 12 sine tone partials from the current Index Assigned in the Mahling Phrase. When indexing at a specific point in the phrase you will get the timbre at that point and not a Mahling phrase as we are not indexing through the Additive set. From 1/2 way up Y to top of Y the full 96 partials at the current index are selectable starting with the first 8 sine tones.
If you hear no sound, your Additive Bank likely needs to be rebuilt in the Haken Editor (Midi&Global Settings/Utilities/Rebuild QSPI – issue that and wait until LED update completes).
Note: The preset uses Polyphony 3 and you can play on low and high Y at the same time to play both Additive sets.
Macro Controllers:
i = Sines12 (Brings in Sine tones 1-12 on current Additive Index point)
ii = Sines96 (Brings in Sine tones 8-96 on current Additive Index point)
iii = Timbre (Adjusts timbre by changing the index point in the Additive set) Note that some point will be louder than others as you might hit a point where the phrase is between words or might hit a point where the output is at a high amplitude in the middle of talking).
iv = Not Used
v = FreqSprd (Increases the Frequency Spread parameter, basically changing pitch in this case).
vi = SpecDial (modifies the Spectral Dilation in effect changing timbre in a different way).
X = Pitch
Y = Sine Partial control (see above)
Z = Volume (note that volume is scaled for X adding more output as X frequency increases).
Ped1: Sus
Ped2: Sos1