Here’s a little fun preset for 10.09 (Mainly intended for Osmose still on 10.09) that lets you play around with some Additive (Resynthesis) functions using the standard Mahling set. Of course, once the Loris Tool is available for 10.40 or later that supports user defined Analysis sets you will be able to do similar things on your own converted samples using the Loris Tool Overlay (so no EaganMatrix programming will be required there – but there still be will things you can do programming that the Loris tool will not support)
Note: If you get no sound on any Index setting, it means the Mahling Additive set is not properly installed.
i – AddIndex – Index into the Mahling Phrase. Note if you set an index value that maps to a very low of zero amplitude partial slice you can get no sound (in that case set to a different index).
ii – SpecDilation – Spectral Dilation Control. Acts like a formant filter in many cases. >0 (default mid point) stretches and 0 (midpoint ) for stretched partials and <0 for compressed partials.
iv – Prune – Prunes partials. The higher you set, the more partials are pruned. You can really hear it as the max settings where things drop down to a sine tone.
v – NoiseLev – Increases the level at which partial amplitudes are considered noisiness.
vi – Speak – Start SG-based indexing through the Mahling set based on Index. The higher the setting the faster the phrase is output based on initial index. Just play around and have fun.
Y – Adds compressed Spectral Dilation for a formant cutoff effect in most cases.