Stolen Starship (noise box)

I was looking at how bytebeat synthesis works, and after briefly flirting with the idea of creating registers and CPU instructions with modules, I decided on a different approach.
Bytebeat is pitch as a function of time, so I’ve set up a synth with a bunch of functions that change the pitch over time. This resulted in a musically-oriented noise box.

You scramble onto one of their starships. At the helm, you recognize some basic flight controls to your right. On your left are a series of colored buttons that mean nothing to you. You launch into open space as shapes emerge from various doorways behind you. You may regret this.

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Other Sound Synthesizer
  • Revision: 1.0
  • License: GNU General Public License v3.0
  • Modified: 9 months ago
  • Views: 522
    Likes: 0
    Downloads: 256