
A MIDI synced, manually programmable step-sequenced slicer/tremolo with variable rise and fall shapes.

This is a pattern tremolo where every step can be easily toggled on or off, or can be accentuated (long step), so it’s easy to modify on-the-fly and achieve interesting patterns. The pattern length can be set to 8,10,12 or 14 steps, so despite having only 8 steps on the front page it can easily generate more complex patterns too!
The rise and fall curves can be varied from exponential to logarithmic for super-choppy sounds. It can be MIDI synced, and there’s a user control for the clock divider on the front page. The stereo spread can also be set to different patterns, and when panning is maxed this thing is capable of head spinning stereoscopic confusion. Slice it up!


-Input/Output: Stereo in/Stereo out (or Mono in/Stereo out)
-CPU load: Around 42% (with Firmware v2)
-Build: Initial version built with firmware 1.13
-MIDI: Controls are set to CCs (I use channels 21/36, see CONTROLS section for details).

1.2: Tested for FW2.0 (needed a workaround for a small FW2.0 bug that messes up the visuals of the ACCENT sequencer track) and tweaked RATE ranges.
1.1: Added Midi CCs.
1.0: Initial patch.

On the UI page, a bunch of pushbuttons determine which steps are on/off, they go to flip-flops (to create latching toggle UI buttons) that are connected to track1 of the main sequencer. Each step that is ‘high’ on this main sequencer will trigger an ADSR envelope. The ‘accent’ buttons on the UI page are almost the same, except they simply determine for which steps the Hold Attack/Decay is ‘high’ (meaning that step will sustain).

The ADSR pages have a few cool features;
EXP: by sending the ADSR output into inputs 1, 2 and 3 of a Multiplier we get a sharp exponential rise/fall.
LOG: by sending the ADSR output to an Invert, then into inputs 1, 2 and 3 of another Multiplier, then invert it again, we get a logarithmic rise/fall.
Both shapes are blended so you can gradually fade between these shapes.

But there’s another cool trick; by using 2 comparators I can determine the EOR (End-Of-rise) and EOC (End-Of-Cycle) of the ADSR output, and using those signals I can distinguish between when it’s rising and falling. This means we can have not only a different rise and fall time, but also separately select a shape per section!

The resulting CV signal is sent to two VCAs to create the tremolo effect, and there’s a few ways to create a stereo panning effect. The rest of the patch is a lot of stuff for the UI (getting the LEDs to blink and be able to toggle the steps), and the Clock Divider for when there’s a MIDI clock, etc.


The main controls are on PAGE0 and are labeled and starred (see below for a “Picture Manual” in the comments). The Stereo Output module with gain parameter is on PAGE2.

CLOCK DIV (clock divider for master LFO or MIDI clock, goes from 2/4, 4/4, 8/4, 16/4, 32/4 to 16/3, 8/3, 4/3, 2/3; cc22)
PAN DEPTH (intensity of stereo effect; cc23)
DEPTH UP/DOWN (pushbuttons to increase/decrease depth; controls on left and right side are duplicates, they do the same; cc24)
RISE TIME (rise time of ADSR; cc25)
FALL TIME (fall time of ADSR; cc26)
RISE SHAPE (rise curve of ADSR; exponential to logarithmic; cc27)
FALL SHAPE (fall curve of ADSR; exponential to logarithmic; cc28)

STEPS (turn on individual steps of the pattern)
ACCENT (turn on sustained notes; they are sustained until the next ‘normal’ step that’s on, which will end the sustained note)

On PAGE1 there is on option to enable MIDI Clock, and there are two rows of options:
PAN MODES (sequence1, sequence2, sine, alternate1, alternate2, alternate3, random)
PATTER LENGTH (8,10, 12, 14 steps)
RATE (internal master LFO; cc21)

LEFT stomp = Reset/resync pattern.
MID stomp = Momentary max depth.


>>> Enable all the red STEP buttons and set a moderate rate to create a ‘regular’ tremolo. Tweak the rise/fall times (and shape) for extra choppiness!

>>> Disable a few STEPS of your choice to make the pattern more exciting. Enable an orange ACCENT step followed by some blank steps; these will ring until another STEP is encountered. It’s a very quick and intuitive way to get interesting patterns!

>>> Enable all the orange ACCENT buttons and disable all the red STEP buttons; the levels won’t change, but the stereo panning is changed for each enabled ACCENT step, so you’ll get a cool panning effect (play around with pan-modes on PAGE1).

No future plans for this one, except maybe tweaking the Rate control as it responds very slow when you turn down the rate (due to Clock Dividers and whatnot..)

If there’s any bugs/questions/remarks/requests or suggestions for improvement, please let me know!

(image: Witchoria)

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      1576 PM
    • Platform:
    • Category: Effect Sequencer
    • Revision: 1.2
    • License: Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
    • Modified: 3 years ago
    • Views: 680
      Likes: 12
      Downloads: 1123