Insert Mode Program. Parallel Routing (default). Significantly stretch out and exaggerate the overall effect in optional Series Routing. Program MIX 45-50%. Polyphony alongside Polyphony, with stereo use in mind.
The base Program: a mildly detuned quartet of unison echoes, in an unusual rhythmic pattern. Deeper detuning, wider panning, and a slight crescendo are introduced by an expression pedal. The namesake ‘soaring’ only happens using the HotSwitches or EXP2.
Delay repeats glide away from unison to sets of pitch-shifted intervals, both inside & outside of the feedback paths. Individual freeze effects allow one set of delay/intervals to be sustained, while the other set is actively processing. I use those two Performance switches to successively blend one chord shape over the next.
EXP1 controls Program Mix, plus Detune A & B and Pan A & B in both Polyphony instances. EXP2 is mapped to Shift 1 & 2 plus Feedback Sw in both Polyphony instances (saved at Heel).
HotKnob mappings, for making parameter adjustments:
* [P] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Polyphony-1 + Polyphony-2 Feedback A & B [default = 50]
* [A] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Polyphony-1 Delay A & B [default = 60].
* [B] HotKnob (+/-) adjust Polyphony-2 Delay A & B [default = 50].
* MIDI CC# 8 Polyphony-1 Mix
* MIDI CC#16 Polyphony-1 Level A
* MIDI CC#17 Polyphony-1 Level B
* MIDI CC#18 Polyphony-2 Level A
* MIDI CC#19 Polyphony-2 Level B
* MIDI CC#40 Polyphony-2 Mix
* MIDI CC#81 Polyphony-1 + Polyphony-2 Inst Type
Other options:
* FREEZE Polyphony-1
* FREEZE Polyphony-2
* HS1 (M) Pitch FX A – Shifts 5ths & octaves – FB Sw Out & In
* HS2 (M) Pitch FX B – Shifts all octaves – FB Sw Out & Out
* HS3 (M) Pitch FX C – Shifts 5ths & octaves – FB Sw In & In
See the Program Notes for more information on the PERFORM switch mappings.