Surface Builder


Surface Builder is a tool for creating control surfaces that send MIDI data to one or more audio components in order to simplify remote control tasks.

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22 comments on “Surface Builder
  • mcd on said:

    Sharing Surfaces would be great for people that request solutions that technical savvy users could provide and upload for others.

  • luxthor on said:

    Surface Builder in its nature is made for us, so we can share those mad-scientist surface creations. ;)

  • grum on said:

    I’ve created several surfaces for the Disting EX – this would be a great place to share them with others!

  • edz314 on said:

    Surface Builder is a great control surface, and I’ve already used it for a number of projects and created several of my own patches for use within AUM. One of them is a very small window that sits in the lower right corner with buttons that will show/hide plugins and even toggle through them. Very convenient! It’s very easy to create simple surfaces but can complex projects are possible too.

    I would like to share my own surfaces and try out what others create.

  • royor on said:


  • samsamsam on said:

    Yes please !!’

  • poppadocrock on said:

    Surface builder was made to be on Patchstorage. A complete workstation to build audio and midi surfaces, this app would be amazing on Patchstorage. Truly can’t wait for it to get approved. Thanks PS.

  • markd on said:

    An app like surface builder lives from the ability to share patches. This is the best way to learn from others, improve and modify patches, and to share our own creations. Please approve.

  • chrisx on said:


  • harro on said:


  • ronth on said:


  • necrobyte on said:

    +1, finally a 100% customizable AUv3 virtual midi controller on iOS.

  • drewinnit on said:

    +1 yes please!

  • knimmo on said:

    1+ Please include Surface Builder. The community will benefit from its inclusion. There are many uses for this app and users need a way to share presets. Thanks.

  • grokker on said:


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