Yet another “single VCO generative patch”.
I’m still wondering how much a single VCO can offer to me.
Ever so good to put in practice: Measure twice, cut once.
As usual, overlaying some time-delayed instances (i.e.: 30 secs or more per
layer) enrichens the overall experience – try to match (or cleverly mismatch)
the rhythms, if any.
Hello there and friendly greetings!
I don’t know if it’s me that got some problems downloading but the *.vcv file you have uploaded seems not to have all the modules or it is somewhat corrupted.
Do you mind checking it out, please? :-)
Hello, dear friend,
Sure, I will, but later today.
The modules are the usual ones I use normally. Therefore, if you hadn’t problems before, you shouldn’t have this time as well.
This makes me think the patch file wasn’t correctly uploaded.
Or, as an alternative, it’s not compatible with the latest version of VCV Rack.
I can check both these issues later today.
Thank you for reporting this.
OK, I can confirm that the file opens correctly in VCV 2.4.1.
I checked out my local version and I also downloaded the online one.
Both do play.
Maybe it was just a bad connection issue you had while dowloading.
Please try downloading the file again.
Best regards.
Attachment Screenshot-20230919_1001-65095a5832701.png