This Beta Test editor was created for using TouchOSC with older devices and has the same functions as the Disting EX Editor 1.26 but with a different approach to the multitude of parameters of the Disting EX.
The editor is composed of two blocks, one to control the Disting EX in single mode and the other for dual mode.
To access single mode, just press one of the 26 buttons on the right, corresponding to the 26 algorithms of the Disting EX.
The main page for each algorithm consists of:
– 74 buttons for selecting the parameter to control, each with dynamic labels (these are updated with each algorithm change)
– A display showing the selected parameter and its value
– A special master fader for controlling the selected parameter which stores each position of each value entered so as to allow saving presets
(for the SD6 active algorithm the fader will also be switched to send Sysex messages for better sample search)
– Help button to access the help of the selected algorithm
– A group consisting of a button, a radio control and two ± buttons; this group has the function of driving the master fader to set some parameters more efficiently (e.g. for play/stop using the button, for selecting inputs 1-6 using the radio control or for fine searching for a sample using the ± buttons, etc. etc.)
At each algorithm change the buttons are also grouped in order to have a logical arrangement of the various parameters, therefore they will never follow the logic from parameter 7 to 79 but will be arranged to try to have a more understandable approach to the various parameters.
At the top of the editor you will find the following parts:
1. MIDI channel selection / Device ID
2. Visualization of the inputs and outputs on the display
3. SET button for settings
4. ENCOD button to use P and V encoders
5. “✏” button to name presets and mappings
6. “💾” button to save presets and mappings
7. Editor display with relevant reload and lock buttons
8. AV button for Autovisuals on the Disting EX display
9. P, V, L, R buttons simulating the P, V, L, R encoders of the Disting EX
10. Disting MK4 Mode button
11. Attenuv/Keyb/SEQ button
Using the Attenuv/Keyb/SEQ button you will have access to attenuverters 1-6 which must be enabled every time; you can also use a small master keyboard to play using the editor or use a 16-step sequencer to drive your Disting EX or other synths!
To access dual mode just press the Disting MK4 Mode button.
This block is composed from top to bottom of:
– 14 buttons arranged in alphabetical order and 8 buttons arranged in numerical order, which give access to the 112 algorithms in dual mode
– Help button to access the help of the selected algorithm
– List button to access the list of algorithms
– Keyb button to access the small master keyboard.
– L-R button to select the Right or Left part of the Disting EX Dual Mode
– Buttons for selecting the MIDI channel
– MIDI Rx/Tx block to display which algorithm receives/transmits MIDI messages
– MK4 block to display the loaded algorithm name and specific inputs/outputs
– A fader for the Z encoder with relative ± buttons.
– Eight faders with relative ± buttons for parameters from 0 to 7 of each algorithm
Good fun!