Crocodile Drummy


– you have 6 tracks, they each sport a 40+ bank of unique sounds
– select the track using their respective dedicated key
– they each have 8 params to edit
– the second row of params, you have to hold the dedicated key to edit
– pressing the 1-16 numbered keys will toggle the step on/off for the selected track
– REV and DEL are sends for each track, they are controlled by the MASTER track
– to cycle samples for a track, PRESS and HOLD the ENCODER button then press a track button, it will change the sound for that track.

– there is one master track
– also with 8 params, hold the master key for the second row
– in MASTER, holding any of the 1-16 keys will trigger a step jump functionality where the sequencer cycles over only the held step buttons.

ODD = adds overall sloppiness
GATE = gates all the sounds simultaneously
FUZ = master decimation bus

*patch is large because of all the samples

hope you like it, feel free to leave comments and suggestions and bug reports.

8 comments on “Crocodile Drummy
  • 3deye on said:

    this is awesome, thank you so much

  • min-yu on said:

    It’s really nice. Really liked the UI and the playability. Thank you for sharing.
    Obvious suggestions would be the implementation of “Muting tracks” and “Probability”. :)

  • francisd on said:

    that’s a great idea, track mutes shouldn’t be too hard to implement, i will add this functionality to the unused key (HOLD and press the track key to mute/unmute it)

  • mchest on said:

    Really great! thank you. I was thinking I wld sell my organelle. Now, NO WAY!

  • mchest on said:

    Suggest: BPM display – when adjusting the knob?

  • francisd on said:

    happy to hear it !

    it’s true that it would be very useful to add the bpm, and maybe to have more precise control over tempo, i’m thinking maybe i move the bpm to the encoder knob because it has dents which is good to choose a number, and use the knob i’m moving it from for a master filter instead, could be nice

  • mchest on said:

    Master filter wld be cool :)

  • nicolasbulb on said:

    Mmh… sounds good but sadly it won’t work on my Organelle OG ;( It just freezes the whole machine. Some more recent patches makes use of multiprocessor of the “recent” Organelle M & S and I strongly suggest to add a new category for within Patchstorage, like “MultiCPU”?

  • Leave a Reply

    • Platform:
    • Category: Sampler Sequencer
    • Revision: 1.0
    • License: BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
    • Modified: 2 weeks ago
    • Views: 674
      Likes: 10
      Downloads: 70