– you have 6 tracks, they each sport a 40+ bank of unique sounds
– select the track using their respective dedicated key
– they each have 8 params to edit
– the second row of params, you have to hold the dedicated key to edit
– pressing the 1-16 numbered keys will toggle the step on/off for the selected track
– REV and DEL are sends for each track, they are controlled by the MASTER track
– to cycle samples for a track, PRESS and HOLD the ENCODER button then press a track button, it will change the sound for that track.
– there is one master track
– also with 8 params, hold the master key for the second row
– in MASTER, holding any of the 1-16 keys will trigger a step jump functionality where the sequencer cycles over only the held step buttons.
ODD = adds overall sloppiness
GATE = gates all the sounds simultaneously
FUZ = master decimation bus
*patch is large because of all the samples
hope you like it, feel free to leave comments and suggestions and bug reports.
this is awesome, thank you so much
It’s really nice. Really liked the UI and the playability. Thank you for sharing.
Obvious suggestions would be the implementation of “Muting tracks” and “Probability”. :)
that’s a great idea, track mutes shouldn’t be too hard to implement, i will add this functionality to the unused key (HOLD and press the track key to mute/unmute it)
Really great! thank you. I was thinking I wld sell my organelle. Now, NO WAY!
Suggest: BPM display – when adjusting the knob?
happy to hear it !
it’s true that it would be very useful to add the bpm, and maybe to have more precise control over tempo, i’m thinking maybe i move the bpm to the encoder knob because it has dents which is good to choose a number, and use the knob i’m moving it from for a master filter instead, could be nice
Master filter wld be cool :)
Mmh… sounds good but sadly it won’t work on my Organelle OG ;( It just freezes the whole machine. Some more recent patches makes use of multiprocessor of the “recent” Organelle M & S and I strongly suggest to add a new category for within Patchstorage, like “MultiCPU”?