Smooth Touch


Smooth Touch is a dynamic clock and control signal generator built around a self-oscillating delay.  A digital input from the Momentary button is fed to a Delay node.  The Delay, in this case, acts as a looper, and records the press and its length.

The Loop Time Knob ranges from 0-1, and is multiplied within the module by 2, meaning the maximum loop time is 2 seconds.

The Touch press has to be shorter than the Loop Time or else you will get an always-on signal.

To clear the pattern, hit the reset button.  Because of the nature of the Delay node, it takes the length of the Loop Time to erase the pattern.

This module outputs both a Digital Signal (DGS) and a Direct Signal (DS).  The DGS is useful for clocking, while the DS output can be used as a smooth control signal generator.

The DS is slew limited, controlled by the Slew Knob, which ranges from 0-1 and is attenuated internally to a more useful range of 0.25-1.

The button in the upper right corner of the module cycles through monitoring DGS+DS, DS, and DGS signals.

The module shines best by setting up a pattern then tweaking the loop time knob.  You can very quickly set up complex patterns, though it is difficult to get a reproducible rhythm.

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  • Platform:
  • Category: Utility
  • Revision: 1
  • Modified: 8 years ago
  • Views: 47
    Likes: 2
    Downloads: 15